Jayne Yilmaz (JayneyArt)

Hi! I’m Jayne Yilmaz and I’m a self-taught artist. I started painting later in life when I became interested in painting as my children were doing their GCSE art! After starting off with portraiture, I then turned to cats (I have three adorable cats of my own), and I have also received some commissions to paint dogs, which I love to do. One of my great interests is to paint farm animals as a form of artivism. I find farm animals very beautiful and interesting with their own unique personalities. I hope that the accompanying information I share on Instagram and Facebook about the lives of farmed animals will help raise awareness about their plight and what life on industrial farms is really like.
Why I am Vegan
I became vegan in 2014 after watching the documentary, Cowspiracy, because my daughter kept talking about it. At that time, I wasn’t a very big meat-eater, but I did eat meat and dairy, and I honestly had no idea about the impact that animal agriculture is having on our environment and the climate. I was astonished when I watched it, and after picking my chin up off the floor and wiping my tears away, I decided that I would not touch those products again. After that, I started to do some research of my own and discovered the terrible cruelty endured by farm animals. This was a very steep learning curve for me, and looking back, I am simply astonished that up until then, I had never really considered how my food was produced for my plate and what animals had to go through to get there. It was as if someone had come along and torn the plasters from my eyes. Now I can see! And although it can sometimes be a sad and difficult path, I hope that others will start their journey with me by looking at my art. However, I can honestly say that I am now a much better cook, and I love to discover new and exciting vegan recipes which the whole family enjoys!
Why I Want to Support Viva!
I have long admired the tireless work of Viva! and the campaigns to raise awareness about the suffering of animals on farms and the many benefits of a vegan diet. I have followed Viva’s! campaigns and done some door drops, and leafleting on animal rights marches to inform the public. I think the artwork on Viva’s! Art for Animals page is beautiful, and I am so excited to be part of it in my own small way.
How to raise money for Viva!
What to do if you buy Jayne Yilmaz’s art
To support the vibrant artistry of Jayne Yilmaz and contribute to Viva!, please follow these steps after your purchase:
- Firstly, communicate to Jayne Yilmaz (jayne.yilmaz@hotmail.co.uk) that your discovery of their work was through the Viva! website.
- Next, complete the form provided below. It’s a simple process that facilitates the contribution.
- Upon completion, Viva! will graciously receive a 10% donation of the sale price from Jayne Yilmaz. Your patronage not only enriches your personal collection but also aids Viva! in its mission.
Contact Details:
Website: www.jayneyart.com
Instagram: @jayney_art
This post has been categorised in: Art, Art for animals, Lifestyle, Living Vegan