David Brown

I’m a vegan artist and activist based in Spalding, UK. I studied art at the University of East London, am a full time freelance artist, and have recently held an exhibition in Boston, where I displayed drawings of animals on their way to slaughter. Although I’m primarily interested in political art exploring the horrible things we do to animals, I also regularly do commissions of companion animals for people. My artistic influences include H.R Geiger, Steve Cutts and Salvador Dali.
Why I am vegan
I’ve been vegan for over 5 years. Simply put, I went vegan because I couldn’t live with the guilt of not being one. I tried for the longest time, but eventually all my excuses wore thin. I became an activist 2 years later, and helped to establish several groups in my area. I plan to use my art in my activism in future, both to help raise awareness, and to raise money for vegan organisations such as Viva! I’ll also be creating art on the streets this year in order to strike up conversations, promote veganism, and raise money for local sanctuaries.
Why I support Viva’s Art for Animals project
My hope in supporting Viva! is that I can use my art to do good in a tangible, practical way. It’s a fantastic organisation, and I’m very proud to be of help.
How to raise money for Viva!
What to do if you buy David Brown’s art
To support the vibrant artistry of David Brown (thedavidsbrown@gmail.com) and contribute to Viva!, please follow these steps after your purchase:
- Firstly, communicate to David Brown that your discovery of their work was through the Viva! website.
- Next, complete the form provided below. It’s a simple process that facilitates the contribution.
- Upon completion, Viva! will graciously receive a 20% donation of the sale price from David Brown. Your patronage not only enriches your personal collection but also aids Viva! in its mission.
Contact Details:
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PortraitsByDSBrown
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/portraitsbydsbrown/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecaptivecalf/
This post has been categorised in: Art, Art for animals, Lifestyle, Living Vegan