Feed the Homeless

feeding the homeless vegan meals

Viva! provides vegan meals for people impacted by the pandemic.

Over the course of November, Viva! teamed up with Million Dollar Vegan to provide and distribute 2,000 vegan meals. As the country went into a second lockdown, Viva! was dropping off meals at various different charities and shelters to help people who had been severely impacted by the pandemic. We joined forces with Alice at Kabala Kitchen, a local, independent vegan caterer who worked tirelessly to prepare hundreds of freshly-made curries. At the same time, we gave away hundreds of tins of vegan meals such as mac’n’cheese and vegan meatballs so that charities had vegan food supplies to last as long as possible over the winter.

It was extremely rewarding to be able to help those in need as much as we could over this difficult time, and several of the charities we worked with were really pleased to have vegan food delivered to them so that they were able to cater for the vegetarians and vegans who relied on their services while also providing people with healthy meals.

What we eat has a major impact on our health, on animal suffering, and our world. 3 in 4 of all emerging or new diseases come from animals. Going vegan is an incredibly powerful way to help prevent future pandemics while also protecting animals and our health.

feeding the homeless vegan meals

Vegan on a budget

If you’re interested in exploring veganism on a budget, have a look at our new leaflet Budget Guide to Eating Vegan. We are here to help dispel any misconception that veganism has to be expensive. Learning to cook your own fresh, plant-based dishes from scratch is exciting, rewarding and may even save you money.

Our 21-page leaflet is full of 16 tasty, quick and budget-friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Inside you can also find budget tops tips and a handy essential shopping list!

At the same time, we have our popular Student Guide to Eating Vegan, perfect for students who don’t have the time or money to prepare meals from scratch, featuring quick meals like 10-minute one-pot pad thai.

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