Ultra-processed foods – not a vegan issue

Vegan diets are often slated for being heavily made up of ultra-processed foods (UPFs). Using data from nearly 3,000 11- to 18-year-olds in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey, this study estimates that the average UK adolescent gets two-thirds of their calories from UPFs. Higher intakes are linked to being male, white, age 18 years, having parents with routine or manual occupations, living in the North of England, living with obesity – and not being vegan!
The authors say: “Our findings suggest that inequalities are associated with UPF intake and factors that might lie beyond individual choice.”
Chavez-Ugalde IY, de Vocht F, Jago R et al. 2924. Ultra-processed food consumption in UK adolescents: distribution, trends, and sociodemographic correlates using the National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2008/09 to 2018/19. European Journal of Nutrition. 63 (7) 2709-2723.