Twin Peaks
Drinking cow’s milk increases the chances of having twins. New research published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine reveals that women who drink cow’s milk are five times more likely to have twins than vegan women. The author of the study, Dr Gary Steinman, suggests that the growth hormone IGF-1 may be to blame. Steinman suggests that IGF-1 may survive digestion, enter the bloodstream and stimulate the ovaries. Previous work shows that IGF-1 levels in the blood are about 13 per cent lower in vegan women than in women who consume dairy. This is not a recommended method for people who want twins as several studies link raised IGF-1 levels to an increased risk of breast, prostate and colon cancer.
Steinman G. 2006. Mechanisms of twinning. VII. Effect of diet and heredity on human twinning rate. Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 51 (5) 405-410.