Global heating on the up – still no mention of animal agriculture

Scientists now fear we have missed the opportunity to limit global heating to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the target agreed by countries in Paris in 2015. According to this latest study, human activities have already increased average global temperatures by close to 1.3°C, with 2024 likely to be the first year that average temperatures surpass 1.5°C of warming. This study says we need to be prepared for the possibility of an overshoot but suggests warming can be held below 2°C if governments continue to improve their “institutional capacities and green technology” that can be rolled out rapidly. Sadly, again, there is no mention of the cow in the room – animal agriculture!
Bertram C, Brutschin E, Drouet L et al. 2024. Feasibility of peak temperature targets in light of institutional constraints. Nature Climate Change. 14, 954-960.