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Try Vegan

If you are here because you’ve seen one of our investigation videos or ad campaigns, we have some good news for you. This is your first step towards living a more compassionate and healthy life.

If you’re thinking about trying vegan, it means that you see animals in a different light. You see them for who they truly are – sentient beings with the capacity to feel pleasure, love, pain and fear. Just like we do.

But where do you start?

Try Vegan for a Week

Simple Swaps

Vegan yogurt

Our aim is to help you enjoy vegan food! We know that eating more vegan meals, or taking the plunge and deciding to go fully vegan, can seem a little daunting when starting out.

We’ve found that one simple approach to make your journey easier is to think of all the things you currently eat and swap them for the vegan versions.

There is no easier time to try vegan with a huge range of products available in all major supermarkets. So read on for inspiration on how to create vegan versions of classic and well-loved dishes alike!

(swipe to see a range of easy swaps below)


This is by no means a definitive list of all the great vegan products available. For more info, take a look at our ‘Vegan’s Guide to’ pages below. Or you can simply search for vegan products on your chosen supermarket’s website – you’ll be surprised at how much they have available!

Easy Vegan Swaps

From butter to cheese and pork to beef— our handy guides tell you everything you need to know. So whether you’re a new vegan or just looking to try some new delicious delights, we’re here to help.

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Still not convinced?

Take a look at the pages below to find out how animals are really treated on factory farms and why meat is bad for your health.

HOGWOOD: a modern horror story

Follow our intrepid group of undercover investigators as they expose shocking atrocities inside Hogwood farm.

flat house farm banner

Investigation: Flat House Farm

Red Tractor suspends Flat House pig farm in Leicestershire, claiming to be ‘appalled’ by barbaric conditions captured by undercover investigators for Viva! Campaigns.

Butchers counter

Meat – Why Animal Products Harm

You don’t need to eat meat and it is not good for you! There is no safe amount. Find out why here…

V7 – Try Vegan For One Week

We have a super practical seven-day vegan meal plan, V7, if you’re interested in exploring the joys of vegan food.

Packed with delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, V7 contains all the inspiration you need to eat vegan for a week. From Chilli Non Carne and Spicy Tomato & ‘Sausage’ Pasta, to One Pot Pad Thai and Stick Gochujang Curry, our meal plan will help you discover the joys of eating vegan.

We also have a high-protein version of the meal plan available if you want your meals to pack an extra protein punch.

Visit the website today to get started.

Try V7

I want more!

If you want to explore further – download our free app, Vegan Recipe Club or visit our amazing site with over 1,000 recipes – from the dead simple to the decadent!

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