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Ban milk from schools, says health charity

10/06/2005  |   Tags: 

The Milk Development Council (MDC) and Dairy UK is endangering children’s health, claims Viva Health, a national health charity. It reports that the latest marketing ploy, of promoting cow’s milk in schools, ignores an increasing body of scientific evidence…

FSA sampling shows dioxins and PCBs in animal products

06/10/2004  |   Tags: 

Health charity, the Viva Health has warned today that Food Standards Agency research into contamination of food with two highly dangerous pollutants demonstrates once again that eating meat and fish carries a far higher health risk from pollutants than eating plant-based foods.

“Danger – Do Not Eat Fish”

10/02/2003  |   Tags: 

Holding a Danger – Do Not Eat Fish banner above a very sad, giant halibut, health charity nutritionists interrupted a Billingsgate fish market photocall featuring chef Gordon Ramsey and media nutritionist Amanda Ursell this morning.

“Fish not a health food’ says new report

10/01/2003  |   Tags: 

A new scientific report published today challenges the claim that fish is essential for good health. It shows that the Government’s public health strategy of promoting fish and fish oils to safeguard against heart disease has been a failure.

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