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Found 836 Results - Page 79 of 84

Veggies get plenty!

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

A NEW fact sheet from leading health charity, the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF), sets the record straight that plant-based diets are a good source of protein. The VVF’s research…

Nothing to Feel Good About With Seafood

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

Nutritionists have labelled as “totally irresponsible’ the Sea Fish Industry Authority Seafood Week’s focus to get young people eating fish. “For a healthy heart, eating oil-rich fish, such as mackerel…

FSA contamination advice ignored

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

Pregnant women could be jeopardising their unborn children according to a nationwide survey of restaurants, published today. It reveals a total ignorance of Food Standards Agency (FSA) advice for pregnant…

New Diabetes section online

12/02/2015  |   Tags: 

The life-changing guide The Big-D: defeating diabetes with the D-Diet is now available online. Whether you want to get your diabetes under control, prevent diabetes or try a new weight-loss…

Volunteers needed

12/02/2015  |   Tags: 

We are looking for volunteers who’d be willing to help us distribute campaign leaflets. As you probably know we’ve launched a new campaign – The Big-D. The campaign is centred…

Give As You Live

12/02/2015  |   Tags: 

Give As You Live   Give As You Live is a great way to raise funds for the VVF as you go about your everyday shopping online.   How it…

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Found 836 Results - Page 79 of 84