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Found 836 Results - Page 76 of 84

Veggie Recipes for Yule!

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

Get food festive this Christmas with the Viva Health’s new Vegan Recipe Club. Love to eat more healthily – but lack the time or know-how? Let the Vegan Recipe Club…

Say No to School Milk

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

Leading health charity the Viva Health is urging parents to request that their children are not offered cow’s milk at school because of the health problems associated with it. Viva…


29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

Leading health charity Viva!Health has published a new guide called A Fighting Chance showing how you can change your diet to prevent or overcome breast cancer. This new easy-to-read colourful…

New website reassures on the safety of soya

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

LEADING health charity the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) is launching a new website The Safety of Soya this week. It is essential reading for vegetarians, vegans and meat-eaters alike…

Boost your health and wellbeing by going veggie

29/05/2015  |   Tags: 

DID you know by ditching meat you enjoy great health and reduce your chances of developing obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer? Going veggie can increase men’s life expectancy by…

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Found 836 Results - Page 76 of 84