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Found 836 Results - Page 65 of 84

The Opposite of Truth

17/01/2017  |   Tags: 

The article describes how vegans are missing out on… wait for it… protein, B12 and omega-3 fats. Nutritionist, Shona Wilkinson, told the Express: There are a few nutrients that may…

March of the vegans

10/01/2017  |   Tags: 

They say the march of the vegans is triggering a radical change to menus at high street chains and in household brand foods. They describe how restaurants are doing more…

Help! I’m addicted to cheese!

08/12/2016  |   Tags: 
  • Dairy

The truth is, cheese addiction is real and once you break free from it, the cravings stop. But why is cheese addictive? What makes cheese so addictive is the extremely high concentration of the milk protein casein that, when digested, results in casomorphins.

Root vegetables

19/11/2016  |   Tags: 
  • Food

Root vegetables are responsible for storing water and important nutrients for the leafy part of plants above the soil, and we get all these nutrients when we eat them!


19/11/2016  |   Tags: 
  • Food

It’s probably safe to assume that most don’t think of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, as a food product. Although it’s best known as ‘weed’, its use as a food has recently skyrocketed.

Veggie warning: nonsense!

16/11/2016  |   Tags: 

This week, protein supplement company P-fit released the results of their survey of 2,498 vegetarians saying that most of them believed their diet was lacking in – you’ve guessed it…

Honey – the new hope or the new hype?

25/10/2016  |   Tags: 
  • Age Related Health Problems
  • Antioxidants
  • Farting/Flatulence
  • Mental Health & Cognitive Function

How is honey made? Producing honey is hard work: a bee makes just a twelfth of a teaspoon in her lifetime. Female foraging worker bees collect nectar from flowers. When…

Childhood obesity rates soaring

04/10/2016  |   Tags: 

However, the widespread warnings don’t seem to translate into action. According to the government’s national diet surveys from recent years, the average intake of saturated fat, sugars and salt in…

Big fat lies

19/09/2016  |   Tags: 
  • Obesity and Overweight

In March 2014, national headlines declared “Saturated fat ‘ISN’T bad for your heart‘” suggesting it is safe to gorge on butter, cheese and sausages. However, the study in question got the…

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