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Getting buzzed about bees!

26/05/2020  |   Tags: 

Bees can make a comeback with our help! Learn why bees are in decline and what you can do to help. World Bee Day has just passed on 20th May, celebrating the importance of protecting bees and other pollinators. Of all the pollinators, people love seeing bees – the friendlier furrier cousin of wasps!

Greyhound Stadium Closes Permanently

20/05/2020  |   Tags: 
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid-19
  • Dogs

The coronavirus crisis has been difficult for everyone, but there have been a few wins for animals during this time to help put a smile on our face.

Vegan baking secrets you NEED to know

15/05/2020  |   Tags: 

In recent weeks the UK has turned into a nation of enthusiastic bakers. If the supermarket shelves are anything to go by, it appears that us Brits cannot survive without flour, yeast and toilet roll.

Top 5 Ways to Help Animals During Lockdown

14/05/2020  |   Tags: 

Lockdown has been going on for a while now. Nobody knows when we will be able to go back to our normal lives, let alone our vegan activist lives. If you want to stay active during this time, we’ve got some ideas for you.

Why Now Is the Best Time To Go Vegan

14/05/2020  |   Tags: 

With all the news about how animal agriculture is causing global pandemics, you might be thinking of making the transition to going vegan. Here are five reasons why now is the best time to go vegan.

Our #3in4 Photocall Goes Viral

12/05/2020  |   Tags: 
  • 3in4
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid-19

On Thursday 7 May, we asked supporters, influencers and celebrities to create a social media storm by sharing our latest campaign #3in4. We were overwhelmed by the response.

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