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Another day, another vegan company!

15/09/2020  |   Tags: 

The creation of Vegan Green Bee, a company with a fully vegan, eco-friendly product range, came about when Paulo Scomparini looked into helping more people minimise their impact on the planet.

Government’s U-Turn to kill over 70,000 badgers

11/09/2020  |   Tags: 
  • Badgers

The Government has made a U-Turn and decided to continue culling badgers instead of vaccinating them in an attempt to reduce bovine TB. This ineffective, costly and cruel U-Turn will result in over 70,000 killed badgers.

Juliet Gellatley Wins P.E.A Award

14/08/2020  |   Tags: 
  • Environment

Juliet Gellatley, our Founder and Director, has won a prestigious award commemorating Viva!’s achievements over the past 25 years and celebrating Juliet’s incredible work for animal rights.

Snared by Bob Berzins

22/07/2020  |   Tags: 

Set against the beautiful backdrop of England’s moorland, Snared, exposes the pressures of rural life and tackles the brutal reality of countryside crime.

Ban Live Exports: International Awareness Day

11/06/2020  |   Tags: 
  • Live export

Every year millions of farmed animals worldwide are subjected to the horrors of live transport. Join us this Sunday 14 June in calling to #BanLiveExports. Closer to home, judicial review proceedings have been started against the Scottish government to stop the export of unweaned calves on journeys over eight hours. 

Getting buzzed about bees!

26/05/2020  |   Tags: 

Bees can make a comeback with our help! Learn why bees are in decline and what you can do to help. World Bee Day has just passed on 20th May, celebrating the importance of protecting bees and other pollinators. Of all the pollinators, people love seeing bees – the friendlier furrier cousin of wasps!

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