Viva! Victory: Hogwood documentary crowdfund smashed!

Four weeks ago, we announced we were crowdfunding the biggest exposé of UK factory farming to date. Thanks to our amazing supporters, we have smashed our £30,000 target, raising a total of £42,501 from 930 donations!
“Words cannot express how thrilled we are with this news! We can finally tell the whole true story of Hogwood farm, and so thank you to everyone who donated to our campaign. You have enabled us to create real change through this powerful documentary,” said Juliet Gellatley, Viva! Founder and Director.
“The Hogwood story has already captured so many hearts and minds and this will be the next step in taking our message to the masses.”
Hogwood: a modern horror story will shed light on factory farming, focussing on Hogwood and the lies fed to us by the meat industry.
The documentary follows Viva!’s three investigations spanning over three consecutive years of Hogwood Farm to show people the truth about where their food comes from.
“Each day, consumers are being lied to. Through clever marketing and misleading packaging, we are constantly reassured that we have some of the highest welfare standards in the world. This simply isn’t true,” added Juliet.
“The pigs living on Hogwood farm live short, brutal lives where they are denied all their natural behaviours. Sadly, this farm is just one among many and that’s why we need this documentary — to show just how damaging animal agriculture is to the animals, our planet and our health.”
Jerome Flynn from Game of Thrones, who is narrating the documentary, said: “It is an honour to be presenting this very important film. After seeing the horrendous conditions and animal abuse that is happening behind Hogwood’s walls I had to do something.
“The pigs of Hogwood aren’t just meat products, they are sensitive, emotionally aware beings just like us and they deserve better than this.”
Thank you to everyone who has donated and keep your eyes on the campaign page for documentary updates.