Object to 2.7 million chicken factory farm

| 13 December 2021
minute reading time

Say no to proposed farm which would slaughter 2.7 million chickens a year

Breckland Council in Norfolk is currently deciding whether to approve or reject a factory farm. If allowed, it would become one of the biggest factory farms in the country.

It is hard to believe that a council could possibly agree to such an application. Factory farms inflict unimaginable suffering on millions of birds every year, pollute nearby waterways and damage the wellbeing of wildlife and residents in the area. Moreover, factory farms are responsible for the growing threat of bird flu, a disease which has a 50% mortality rate in humans when infected and has been spreading across the UK. Factory farming is a breeding ground for new pandemics, animal cruelty and environmental destruction.

But we cannot sit back and hope that Breckland Council just makes the right decision. Please take five minute today to use your voice and object to this terrible application.

thousands of chickens in an indoor intensive farming unit

How to object

Enter your objection here. Follow the link and click ‘enter comment’ to voice your objection. Sadly, councils do not take into account animal welfare when deciding whether to approve a farm or not – which only shows how poorly animals are treated.

Instead, please use the following issues in your own objection. It’s no good objecting on the basis of animal welfare as that objection will be ignored entirely. Councils will not take into account multiple entries if they’re all word-for-word the same, so please take a moment to put it into your own words to show the council that objections are genuine and from different people.

  1. The National Planning Policy Framework, paragraph 170, states that applications must ‘enhance the local environment’. This factory farm does not provide any sort of benefit to the environment. On the contrary threatens to pollute the River Thet, Swangey Fen and the Lakes.
  2. The proposed site is inappropriate for HGVs which would need to access the site. The site is about two miles down a single track road which is liable to flooding in winter. This is completely insufficient for a site proposing to slaughter 2.7 million birds a year.
  3. The proposed plan threatens to damage the quality of life experienced by residents, cyclists, dog walkers and tourists. The Council already receives many complaints regarding fly issues as a result of the poultry and duck units already in the area. This application would worsen the problem.
  4. There is significant local objection to the proposal. Councils have a duty to listen to residents. There is not a single vote in favour of the site from residents and local Parish Councils object to the application.
  5. The National Planning Policy Framework states that new developments should not create unacceptable levels of soil, air, water or noise pollution. As evidenced in points 1 and 3, this proposed site would undoubtedly impact on water and air pollution.

Thank you for taking time to protect animals.

If you know of an application for a factory farm in your area, read our blog to see what you can do.

About the author
Will Sorflaten
Will is one of Viva!'s campaigners. Will has been vegan for nearly ten years, and is committed to making the world a kinder, more sustainable place through veganism. Will has a degree in English Literature from Cambridge University, and works on Viva!'s campaigns, focusing in particular on expanding collaboration on university campuses. Click here for more info.

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