Three in four…

Three in four is the name of Viva!’s new campaign. New and potentially deadly diseases that infect humans are appearing all the time – three in four of them come from animals.


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How did we get here?

During these unprecedented times, I want to send you and your loved ones my heartfelt best wishes for your health and wellbeing.

The sad truth is that we arrived in this awful situation because of our ill treatment of animals. Covid-19 was inevitable, just as further pandemics are inevitable, some of which will be even more lethal than this particular coronavirus.

We’ve been here before

Covid-19 – like SARS, bird flu, swine flu and Ebola – originated in animals. Three in four of the world’s new or emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. These diseases are responsible for some 2.7 million deaths per year and are largely transmitted through the wildlife trade and factory farming. In other words, most pandemics are due to people eating animals.

Donate today and help us put an end to this.

Animal farming is killing us

Cramming animals together in markets and subjecting them to intensive farming practices creates a breeding ground for disease. Today some 90 per cent of all farmed animals across the world are kept in factory farms where infections can spread with ease between animals, mutate and become infectious to humans…


3 in 4 cows
3 in 4 wet market

…That’s where we come in

Viva! has been exposing the pain and anguish inflicted on animals inside factory farms – and rampant disease and drug use – for over 25 years. These huge industrial complexes are nothing more than concrete prisons for animals.

Look into any intensive farm in Britain and you’re likely to see diseased, dead and dying animals. As I write this, I recall filming undercover on three large pig farms. I recorded severe overcrowding, pigs covered in excreta, barren, filthy conditions, animals abandoned to die, cannibalism of corpses left to rot amongst the living, decaying piglets engulfed in a sea of maggots.

3 in 4 Hogwood
3 in 4 pigs

The need for action is overwhelming

This situation cannot be tackled with export bans, restrictions on animal movements, tighter airport controls – we must end factory farming, stop eating all animals and ban the global trade in wild creatures. And that is why our campaigns are now so vital.

We have very little time to bring about global change; people are frightened and looking for answers – we have them and need to communicate them.


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3 in 4

We have launched 3 in 4 as part of our overarching campaign, End Factory Farming Before It Ends Us – exposing the cruel conditions that cause infectious diseases to emerge.

3in4 Viva!

We have joined forces with leading experts and campaigners to call for the end of animal exploitation to prevent future pandemics. We have published We have published a thought leader piece in The Independent and gained coverage from the Daily Mail.

But we’re not done yet. As soon as the lockdown lifts we will go into major action. Depending on how much we raise, we plan to:

  • Investigate and expose multiple ‘mega’ factory farms
  • Coordinate publicity and actions around each exposé
  • Lobby government to end factory farming
  • Social media campaign — YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • Video campaign
  • PR campaign
  • Billboards

Donate today and help end cruelty to animals — because our campaigns will save lives.

With your support, our undercover team will go into one farm after another until the whole of Britain knows the truth of factory farming. We have to keep putting ourselves in harm’s way until the last excuse has been stripped away. And we have to do it quickly as time is short.

These are tough times for us all – please only give if you are able. No matter how small or large, we welcome every donation .

End factory farming before it ends us.


Thank you for being a part of Viva! and I wish you the very best for your safety and good health.

Yours for the animals

Juliet Signature

Juliet Gellatley

Founder & Director


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