Hogwood Press

Hogwood Farm is a horror farm in Warwickshire housing 16,000 pigs. It is one of the largest pig farms Viva! has ever seen. Conditions there for pigs are so appalling we have launched a campaign urging supporters to TAKE ACTION and help us close the farm down.
This campaign has attracted a huge amount of media attention including:
Following our 2018 investigation we organised a nationwide Day of Action outside Tesco stores, with over 150 regional events taking place this was their biggest day EVER. Press coverage included:
On Wednesday 24 January representatives from Viva! Campaigns visited the Animal and Plant Health Agency office in Worcestershire, where they handed in the 49,500 petition signatures collected since their initial investigation. Signatures have been collected from outraged individuals across the country, from vegans and meat-eaters alike, demanding the government close the farm down. Press coverage included:
Following our 2017 investigation we organised a nationwide Day of Action outside Tesco stores. Press coverage included: