Ebay, Don’t Auction Off Cruelty!

In 2013, after we exposed the horrific reality that ducks, farmed for foie gras endure, we succeeded in making the mighty online retailer, Amazon, drop their sales of foie gras.

After we made our concerns clear to Amazon – the world’s largest online retailer– they took foie gras off their digital shelves in the UK. That only happened because over ten thousand people signed the Viva! petition and contacted them. In other words, petitions do work!

Shockingly, one of the world’s largest online auction sites – Ebay – still refuses to drop foie gras, and continues to sell a product in the UK that no other major supermarket will touch.

No excuses

eBay already limits the sale of some products in the UK due to ethical concerns, so why are they still selling a product that is so cruel it would be illegal to produce in the UK?

Together we got Amazon to dump foie gras. Tell eBay to dump foie gras today!

Take action

  • Email eBay asking them to drop foie gras
  • Leave a review on Trustpilot
Example email and review

I am shocked that eBay continues to allow the sale of foie gras on its online marketplace. Foie gras is the grossly enlarged liver of a duck or goose and is essentially a disease, marketed as a delicacy. Birds raised for this ‘gourmet’ cruelty are force-fed enormous quantities of food through a long metal pipe, three times a day. This process of deliberate and painful overfeeding continues for up to a month by which time the birds’ livers have swelled to ten times their normal size. Every year, around a million ducks die during this period of force-feeding.

Amazon have already banned the sale of foie gras on ethical grounds. eBay already limits the sale of some products in the UK due to ethical concerns, so why are they still selling a product that is so cruel it would be illegal to produce in the UK?

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